Award System

jetBlue trueBlue

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Breaking Points

March 1, 2022
Barclays New Sign-Up offer on JetBlue Card

Barclays is now offering a limited time offer on their jetBlue Mastercard offering 60,000 points, get bonus after spending only $1000 in the first 3 months on both cards.

Bonus Points Minimum Spend Point Value Annual Value Annual Fee 1st Year Value
10,000 $1,000 1.2 ¢ $0 $0 $132
Best Value Differentiating Perks Rules
JetBlue flights 3x Points on JetBlue purchases & 50% inflight savings. B of A 1/24 , No 5/24 , Barclay 0/6
Card Type: Personal, Airline

Spend Categories

Airfare - »

3X points
3.6¢ Per Dollar Spent

All Other - »

1X points
1.2¢ Per Dollar Spent

Grocery Stores = »

2X points
2.4¢ Per Dollar Spent

Restaurants = »

2X points
2.4¢ Per Dollar Spent

Card Benefits

Airline Incidentals »
50% Savings on Inflight Food and Drink Purchases
No Foreign Transaction Fees »
You will pay no foreign transaction fees when you use your card for purchases made outside the United States.

Point Transfer Options

Transfer To Spouse/Partner Yes

Transfer To Friends Yes

Travel Partner Transfers

Outside Point System jetBlue trueBlue

Transfers In From
Point Transfer Options
Amex Member Rewards

1:0.8 69% value retained

Point Transfer Options
Chase Ultimate Rewards

1:1 75% value retained

Point Transfer Options
Citi ThankYou Points

1:0.8 80% value retained

Point Transfer Options
IHG Rewards

5:1 40% value retained

Bottom Line

Why You Might Want This Card

Exceptions To The Rule

About jetBlue trueBlue

TrueBlue points are fairly new to this whole points and miles world. They're usually looked at for domestic use, where they'll give you the absolute best value. JetBlue is one of the cheaper options when paying out of pocket, which actually works out well because the program is revenue-based. That means the award redemption is linked to the cost of a ticket, making it one of the easier ones to comprehend.

TrueBlue points can be accumulated pretty easily because there are a few JetBlue branded credit cards. You also can transfer Chase’s Ultimate rewards, Citi ThankYou points and Amex Rewards at a 1:1 ratio -- plus Capital One Miles at 2:1. Points Pooling is another thing people love about TrueBlue points. You can pool up to 6 other members' points to accumulate points faster.

TrueBlue points are only applicable for JetBlue operated flights and Hawaiian Airlines. You pay a flat $5.60 in taxes for domestic travel. If you decide to go international, taxes can vary a little, but everything will be upfront when you go to book. All flights offer entertainment, free wi-fi, free snacks and more leg room, even in economy. If you favor domestic travel and live near a JetBlue hub, these are super points to collect because they never expire.

Where JetBlue Fits In This Point Ecosystem

Personal Experience

Application Rules

You'll be declined for Alaska Airlines and B of A Premium Rewards cards if you have opened or CLOSED that card in the previous 24 months

Card approval not subject to 5-personal-cards-in-24-months rule

You're more likely to be declined on a Barclay application if you currently have a Barclay card that has not been used in the past 6 months

Breaking Points

March 1, 2022
Barclays New Sign-Up offer on JetBlue Card

Barclays is now offering a limited time offer on their jetBlue Mastercard offering 60,000 points, get bonus after spending only $1000 in the first 3 months on both cards.

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