Award System

Cash in Cents

Cash in Cents »



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Reconsideration Phone

Breaking Points

Bonus Points Minimum Spend Point Value Annual Value Annual Fee 1st Year Value
1 $1 0.0 ¢ $0 $0 $0
Best Value Differentiating Perks Rules
Cash Back Discover will match Cash back after the first year with no cap, 2x Cash Back for gas and restaurants up to $4,000 annually No 5/24
Card Type: Personal, Cash

Spend Categories

All Other = »

1X points
0¢ Per Dollar Spent

Gas Stations = »

2X points
0¢ Per Dollar Spent

Restaurants = »

2X points
0¢ Per Dollar Spent

Card Benefits

No Foreign Transaction Fees »
You will pay no foreign transaction fees when you use your card for purchases made outside the United States.

Point Transfer Options

Transfer To Spouse/Partner Yes

Transfer To Friends Yes

Travel Partner Transfers

Outside Point System Cash in Cents

Transfers In From
Point Transfer Options
Amex Member Rewards

1:1 71% value retained

Point Transfer Options
Barclay Miles

1:1 100% value retained

Point Transfer Options
Capital One Miles

1:1 91% value retained

Point Transfer Options
Chase Ultimate Rewards

1:1 63% value retained

Point Transfer Options
US Bank Flex Perks

1:1 91% value retained

Point Transfer Options
Wells Fargo Go Far Rewards

1:1 71% value retained

Bottom Line

The rewards with this card are pretty feeble when all is said and done. You can absolutely get more rewards with a little more effort and organization. Points Navigator specializes in helping with those research and organizational efforts. That said, the Chrome isn't a bad card to whip out for those gas and food purchases because it’s a little easier to be approved for. And once you get this card, it doesn’t cost anything to keep it around for the long haul.

Why You Might Want This Card

Discover Chrome & Cash Back - Same But Different

The Discover It Chrome and the Discover It Cash Back cards are definitely relatives -- maybe even brothers with all the similarities. They both offer cash back rewards. Both cards will match the amount of money at the end of 12 months with no limits attached. Redeeming is super easy. And there is no annual fee for either card. What sets these two apart then? Well for starters, the quarterly categories are always the same with the Chrome (gas and restaurants). So if that’s where you spend most of your money, the choice is obvious. With each $1 spent, you’ll earn 2x cash back, which is less than half of the 5x cash back with the Cash Back card on their revolving categories. So you have to decide if you want the simplicity of the spending categories being fixed... or if you want to put more time and effort into keeping track of the changing categories and earn more points. Also note that the Chrome has a limit of $1,000 each quarter on the fixed categories.

Exceptions To The Rule

About Cash in Cents

Most points have a 1 cent redemption value. Plus any 1X of 1.5X cash-back on spends are in cents, not dollars. So that we are comparing Apples to Apples, in terms of cash back vs. points, we use cents rather than dollars in representing cash bonuses.

Where Discover It Chrome Fits In This Point Ecosystem

Personal Experience

Application Rules

Card approval not subject to 5-personal-cards-in-24-months rule

Breaking Points

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