Guides, Hobby Guidelines
Working With Others For Way More Points!
This is an overlooked opportunity that can affect your point balances and usage as much as the sign-up bonus.
The biggest reasons are flexibility and referral points
- Flexibility: For most people, Chase points will be the cornerstone of your flexibility. Chase allows you to easily transfer your Ultimate Rewards points to "significant others" living in the same house. In turn, Chase points can also be easily be transferred to United, Southwest, Hyatt and Marriott -- just to name a few.
Under each reward system, we've included transferring rules and specific advice for working with your significant other. Here’s an example. We recommend one partner gets the Sapphire Reserve and the other gets the Sapphire Preferred. This gives you a few advantages: As a couple, you can transfer points for the 1.5 multiplier within the portal (only on Reserve)... but also refer friends (only on Preferred)... all while saving on annual fee. View Award Systems » - Referral Points: Most cards offer a bonus for referring a friend. That friend can include your significant other (which is why we generally don’t recommend authorized users »). Getting referral bonuses are huge because it means you can rack up points -- in some cases as big as the original sign-up bonus -- but every year!
- Referral Points Tool: We’ve created a tool to help you collect some major referral points. Here's how it works: You refer a friend to the Points Navigator via an automated email or text. Then when they come to the site and click on any "Apply Now" link for a card you already have, you’ll automatically get the referral points when they're approved for the card. All you have to do is enter your referral links for each of your cards -- and invite. Simple as that. Learn more here »
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